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Winelands Tandem Paragliding Experience

Cape Winelands

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Service Terms and Conditions

- Booking confirmation terms: Online bookings are only confirmed once at least 50% deposit has been paid and the client has received an automated confirmation. Direct bookings are only confirmed once the client has received such in writing. Full payment is required prior to receiving the online check-in link with indemnity and Covid-19 questionnaire.
- Weather dependancy: The Company's paragliding experiences are entirely weather dependent, we can only fly at your preferred Time and Destination if the weather allows. The duration of the flight is also entirely weather dependent. If we do not get to fly at your booked time we will first try to reschedule. If rescheduling isn't possible the client has the option of either getting a refund or converting to a voucher which can be redeemed at a later time.
- Payment & Cancellation: Full payment is required prior to the first activity booked. All cancellations and all amendments must be in writing and must be received at least 24 hours before the activity takes place. A 100% cancellation fee will apply should a cancellation or amendment be made within 24 hours of the first activity booked. Winelands Paragliding staff reserves the right to cancel any transfer or activity due to unforeseen circumstances including, but not limited to, the lack of passengers or weather conditions. In the case of a weather cancellation, weather conditions are judged exclusively by Winelands Paragliding staff. In the event of a Winelands Paragliding management cancellation a full refund or vouchers will be given on the amounts paid.
- Delays and changes: Winelands Paragliding management shall reserve the right to change the itinerary subject to prevailing conditions and due to any unforeseen circumstances. (e.g. political instability, public and religious holidays, road & weather conditions or any reason beyond the control of the Company. The Company will endeavour to provide an adequate alternative, but will accept no liability whatsoever. Any resultant expenses will be borne by the client and any saving will be refunded to the client.
In case the client changes his / her itinerary at their own request, the company shall try to accommodate him / her, but may charge a cancellation or administration fee. This is subject to a new quotation, which will be given by the company to the client in writing via e-mail or text message. If client requests a service to be added to the program or a program to be amended/deviated he/she does it on own risk and at extra costs.
- Indemnity & Covid-19 Information: All guests are required to sign an indemnity and complete the Covid-19 questionnaire for all transfers and activities that they are participating in, prior to the transfer or activity. A link will be sent prior to your activity/transfer date. In the case of a guest refusing to sign the indemnity form or complete the Covid-19 questionnaire, the guest will not be able to partake in the activity/transfer and will not receive any refund.
- The indemnity form must be signed by a Parent/Legal guardian for children under 18 years of age. Any unaccompanied minor (a person under 18 years of age) requires the indemnity to be signed by a Parent/Legal guardian prior to the activity/transfer. The required indemnity form can be signed online from your mobile phone to ensure that you have sufficient time to read and understand the conditions. We are asking for more detailed information than usual. This information is to ensure we can address appropriately any risks, should you or one of our guests or staff become ill with suspected COVID-19, and to ensure that in such an event, the required contact tracing can be carried out. All information provided will only be shared with authorised persons.
- Service prices: Any current service prices that are listed by the Company are subject to alteration without prior notice.
- Services rendered: The scope and nature of the contractual services offered will be limited to the Description of Services submitted with the relevant quotation, as well as to the details contained in the The Company's brochures/website and the booking confirmation.
- Waiver and indemnity: While every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of all persons participating in the activity the client, his/her heirs, dependants, agents, executors or their assignees hereby irrevocably waive any claims which the they may have against the Company for any form of compensation for damages which they may suffer due to injury and / or loss of any nature whatsoever, which includes accidents caused by the client's own actions, injuries or death while on the adventure experience, in transportation vehicles or at any place during the activity, or sickness or the death at any time after the activity. Under no circumstances will The Company accept responsibility for any injury, death or loss of any nature whatsoever which might occur to such persons sustained from any cause, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, consequential loss, arising for any reason whatever, directly or indirectly out of any aspect of any activity without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any form of transport or air travel used for the purpose of the activity. The Company shall not be responsible for and shall be exempt from all liability in respect of any claim whatsoever. The Company shall not be liable for any accidents which may occur either on land or on water and or by means of our equipment; nor do we accept liability for any damages suffered as a result of defects to our own equipment, itinerary changes, nor for any arbitrary measures taken by local authorities, nor for any other circumstances or Acts of God which lie without the realm of our responsibilities. We do not assume liability either for any damage or loss incurred to any personal belongings, whether through theft or extreme environmental conditions, such as sand, dust, humidity, lengthy distances covered on difficult roads and tough tracks, and the like. The Company shall not be liable for any reservations made by client directly with any establishment/operator/service/transportation and/or its proper/timeous execution.
- Health: It is the client's obligation to ensure that he / she is medically fit and able to embark upon the activity. The Company opinion on health issues is not final and must be reconfirmed and verified by/with a medical practitioner authorised to advice on health issues/questions. The Company cannot be held liable if client (s) follow unprofessional advices on any health issues/questions.
- Baggage: All baggage and personal effects are at all times at the client's risk and The Company cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage of baggage or any personal effects.
- Insurance: This is for the client’s own account and should be in place should the client require same.
- Pilots: If one of our pilots is unable to take a flying safari due to illness etc. we reserve the right to substitute him/her with another pilot. While all precautions have been taken when selecting the pilot The Company will accept no responsibility for the pilot’s actions or failure to act which lead to accident/damage/loss, etc.
- Photography, films, images, letters & testimonials: The Company reserves the right without giving further notice, to make use of any films or photographs/images/pictures produced by the client or any related person (s) during or after any of their activities with The Company for general publicity purpose without permission or a payment. The Company also reserves the right to use testimonials on their web site and social media platforms without permission or payment.
- Confirmation: All confirmations are system generated.
- Response/response time: While all efforts are made to provide all with a speedy reply a considerable response time may be needed. The Company reserves the right to reply to all responders at its discretion.
Winelands Paragliding Management reserves the right to amend/cancel/add terms & conditions without notice. All terms & conditions are subject to South African Law & Jurisdiction

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